An educational and friendship trip by coffee professionals
from southern Minas Gerais


Trip to Origin is one of NUCOFFEE projects that best conveys it’s vision: To bring Brazilian producers closer to foreign roasters, for a personal and transparent business relationship. With this proposal, the purpose of the initiative is to strengthen an international coffee community.



Italian descendents invest in Arabica in the largest Robusta producing state in Brazil

Caliman, Lorenção, Ventoim, Antué, Carnielli – common names of the inhabitants of the Mountains of Espírito Santo region, where Venda Nova do Imigrante is located – are some of the families that founded the city late in the 20th Century. They came from Italy and their interest in coffee growing united them in a city that today is named after their history, translated as The Immigrants New Store.



Italians have their own way to drink coffee

If you live in Italy, you can get good espressos in any small street corner shop. And there are no social differences. An espresso served at the central station costs the same as the one served in the posh downtown area. What changes is the scenario: the hustle and bustle of a train station, and the utmost Italian luxury at an Emporio Armani boutique.



The importance of the right choice and preparation to optimize the value of an espresso

There is a large variety of milks – soy, rice, whole, powder, UHT (Ultra Heat Treated), skim milk – and each kind requires special care when processed. However, there are some crucial points shared by all: the milk must be very cold in order to be steamed. This is because steaming consists of the expansion of the proteins added to the melted fat, with more diluted lactose, resulting in a creamy milk with enhanced sweetness.


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