Valued added speciality and limited coffees in the
international market reflect on how crops are treated


From time to time, among small coffeehouses or quality competitions finalists, top specialty coffee offers appear. All the work devoted to producing the best coffee, which includes investing in good varieties, good terroir, and good handling, is eventually restricted to a few coffee plants that will yield a reduced number of bags.



The first Japanese arriving in Brazil over
one hundred years ago migrated to the coffee farms

The 100th anniversary of the Japanese immigration to Brazil was celebrated in 2008. Coffee is a permanent memory of the arrival of their first representatives and the reason why they came from the other corner of the world. It was in 1908 that the Kasato Maru ship arrived in Santos (state of São Paulo) with the first immigrants that would build one of the most flourishing and numerous communities in Brazil.



Full body and aromatic coffees are
produced in the region

São Paulo is the third largest coffee producing state in Brazil, after the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo only. São Paulo is responsible for a 9.3% share of the domestic coffee production, with 4.36 million processed coffee bags, on 208 thousand hectares, according to estimates of the national supply company (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento - Conab), an agency under the Ministry of Agriculture.



Each type of preparation uses an ideal coffee granulometry to enhance the cupping experience

There are so many and different types of grinders available and so many ways to prepare the beverage, that lack of care and skill can result in a bad cup, even if the quality of the bean is excellent. Just as important for the barista as the espresso machine, the grinder can be manual or powered, with a straight (also known as flat) or conical blade, working in different ways. Whatever the model, the principle behind them is similar.


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